Payday Loan Help in Texas
How To Consolidate Payday Loans.
Many people have had to resort to taking out payday loans due to the pandemic, loss of job, or lowered income. Then they realize that these extremely high-interest loans are actually making things worse.
What was first thought of as a quick fix has now become a long-term problem? Worst of all this is a very expensive problem when you are dealing with payday loan debt.
The more loans you have the more expensive and difficult it is to get out of debt.
The good news is you have options and companies that can help you settle all your debts for less than you owe.
You can consolidate all your payday loans into one affordable monthly payment. Then One Focus Financial can contact all your creditors and negotiate settlements on your behalf.
We also can stop payday loan lenders from automatically drafting out of your account. We usually settle for 40-60% off the balances.
This will help you save money and get out of debt sooner.
One Focus Financial Debt Relief Program Benefits
1. Consolidate Multiple Payday Loans Into One Payment
2. Eliminate Fees & High-Interest Rates
3. Lower Monthly Payment by Up to 50%
4. Settle Your Debts 40-60% Off The Balances
5.Legal Protection Plan & Access To Attorneys
6. 4-36 Month Programs Available
7. Get Signed Settlement Letters For Each Account
8. Include Credit Cards, Medical Bills, & Collection Accounts
9. Stop Lenders from automatically drafting from your bank.
10. Large Monthly Savings & Get Out Of Debt Sooner.